Step 1: Login or Create an Account
Go to the Microsoft Account website here:
Login, or if you do not already have an account simply create one.
Step 2: Activate Your Game
Once you have logged in, you should see your main Elder Scrolls Online account overview.
Under “Account Summary” you should see a link that says “Redeem Code”. Click this link and enter your product code.
Once you redeem your code your product will be activated to your account.
Step 3: Download Your Game
To install your game, on your Elder Scrolls Online account overview page, click the button which says “Download Game”. This will install the ESO Launcher.
Download the Launcher and run it to begin installing your game. From the launcher you will also be able to install any expansions that you may have purchased.
Once downloads are finished the game will be ready to play!
Step 4: Problem?
Did you have a problem with any of the above steps?
If you need any assistance then please contact us.